Aerial photo by Spectral Q & Zubie Rubin

Do you believe in miracles?
Do you believe in the collective power of shared intention to transform reality?
I have been in a constant state of awe for days since the Water Goddess aerial art ritual unfolded.
What happened was epic. Allow me to share with you a story; it may sound like a fairy tale, yet it certainly is not.

This past month, I have mobilized artists, healers, amazing filmmakers, visionaries and yogis to call forth a prayer of forgiveness for how we, the people of the world, have been relating to water. Hundreds of us came a long way last weekend to catalyze this ritual at Bhakti Fest, in the beautiful dry land of Joshua Tree.

On Saturday evening, after enjoying the vibrancy of the procession, we found ourselves in the open desert where we created the image of the Water Goddess with sound, movement, collective intention and symbology: unified together as one, we activated our collective power as water protectors. In this time of intense drought, we called to the skies for rain and we sent a prayer for a more conscious relationship with how we relate to water.

Here’s what I witnessed…
Rain drops started to come right before the procession began… something rare in the desert.
A vertical rainbow appeared in the horizon right in front of all of us as we were sending our prayers at the peak time of the ritual.
As the ceremony came to a close, lightning began to strike in the dark night sky, facing the opposite direction from the rainbow.
The same day we were praying for protecting water, fires started raging in Northern California, burning down vast amounts of land, including communities where many of us have been in deep medicine journeys over the last decades; Harbin Hot Springs turned into ashes.

The days that followed the ritual, it rained along the coast from Los Angeles to the Bay Area… something we hadn’t seen in weeks.

Witnessing this unfolding leaves me humbled and in awe of the larger mystery we are part of.

For years, I have been gathering large groups in nature believing that by engaging in ceremony with clear intention from the heart, we can affect life in positive ways. This past weekend’s effort continues to affirm the healing power in following the deep impulse that drives me to convene these large scale creative rituals.

I invite you to watch the video that our filmmaking team made over night. It shares the story of Gaia. She is starving of thirst due to the drought, then reanimated by earth guardians (us) and the collective power of our prayer put into action. This prayerformance was co-created within a few days by a collective of artists who had never met yet shared this vision. May it inspire you!

I feel so much gratitude for everyone who showed up to make this possible. Dozens of caring earth lovers offered their heart, energy, vision, gifts and sweat towards catalyzing this transformative ritual. I also want to give thanks to all the lessons we learned about trust, flow and surrender as we created and experienced this water goddess. The spirit of water is an amazing teacher.

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